MBBS BDS certificate verification dates
KNR University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana State hereby notify that the first and final verification of certificates for Web Based Counseling will be conducted for Admissions into MBBS/BDS Courses for the academic year 2017-18 into Medical and Dental Colleges affiliated to KNR University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana State.
The candidates those who have qualified in NEET UG 2017 and registered on-line and paid the Registration / Processing Fee in response to notification for Competent Authority quota seats, whose names are displayed in the provisional merit list of KNR UHS are directed to attend the verification of Original Certificates for Web based counseling for admission into MBBS / BDS Courses for the academic year 2017-18 into the Telangana Government, Un-aided Non-Minority, Un-aided Minority Medical Colleges, Government, Un-aided Non-Minority Dental Colleges( including
Statewide college) in the Telangana State at the following Help line Centers as per the schedule given below.
Help LineCentres for CertificateVerification:
Sl.No.Venue of Centre City
1)Candidates belonging to OUarea (Telangana State)/Local candidas can attend certificate verification at Help line Centres in Warangal or Hyderabad as per the schedule given below
2)Candidates attending Certificateverification at Hyderabad have to attendat specified centresas perthes cheduled given below to prevent over crowding at one centre.
3)Special categorycandidates (Sports/NCC/PMC/CAP/Physically Challenged) have to attend certificate verification at JNTUH,Kukatpally,Hyderabad as per the schedule given below.
4)The schedule isprepared mention ing the candidates Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site
5)Candidates whose category certificates (SC/ST/BC) areissued byGovernment of Telanganashould attend certificate verification at Help-line Centres in Hyderabad/ Warangal only.
6)Candidateswhose category certificate s (SC/ST/BC) areissued by Government of Andhra Pradesh should attend certificateverificationatHelp-line CentresatDr.NTRUHSVijayawada only.
IA. SPECIALCATEGORY: VENUE:JNTUH Campus, Kukatpally, Hyderabad(For All candidates -Local& Non-Local) CategoryDateTime
Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site
CAP (Army) Category=22.07.2017.8.30 AM = All Eligible Candidates as per G.O.Ms.No. 66 HM&FW (C1) Dept.,_Dt:_29-7-2015.
Sports & Games Category=22.07.2017.8.30 AM = 1 to 12000 1.30PM 12001 to Last Rank
Police Martyrs Children (PMC) & Anglo Indian=22.07.2017.3.00PM=AllEligibleCandidates
PH Category (Candidates for evaluation of Physically challenged percentage )=23.07.2017.8.30 AMAllEligibleCandidates
NCC Category* 23.07.2017.8.30 AM=1 to 10000 1.30PM. 10001 to Last Rank
Note: *
Candidates of Special category are to attend for verification (a) for verification of certificates
(b) for special category verification as per above schedule at JNTUH only.
2. All eligible special category candidates (Local and Non-Local) have to attend at JNTUH only for Certificate Verification
I-B.JNTUH Campus, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-General Category (for All Local Candidates):Date Time
Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site
24-07-2017. 8.30 AM = From:_ 7376 to 7900
1.30PM = from;- 7901 to 8450
25-07-20. 178.30 AM = 10451 10950
1.30 PM = 10951 11450
26-07-2017 8.30 AM = 13426 13900
1.30PM = 13901 14350
27-07-2017 8.30 AM = 16301 16750
1.30 PM = 16751 17141 /Last Rank
Date Time Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site From To
22-07-2017 8.30 AM = From;-1 to 1750
1.30PM = From 1751 to 2500
23-07-2017. 8.30AM = From;- 2501 to 3800
1.30PM = From;- 3801 to 5075
24-07-2017. 8.30AM = From;- 5076 to 6800
1.30PM = From;- 6801 to 8450
25-07-2017. 8.30AM = From;- 8451 to 9950
1.30PM = From;- 9951 to 11450
26-07-2017. 8.30AM = From;- 11451 to 12950
1.30PM = From;- 12951 to 14350
27-07-2017. 8.30AM = From;- 14351 to 15800
1.30PM = From;- 15801 to 17141/Last Rank
III.Prof.G.Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education (PGRRCDE),OUCampus,Hyderabad:
DateTime Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site From To
22-07-2017. 8.30 AM = 1 550
1.30 PM = 551 1100
23-07-2017 8.30 AM = 2501 3200
1.30PM = 3201 3800
24-07-2017 8.30 AM = 5076 5650
1.30PM = 5651 6250
25-07-2017 8.30 AM = 8451 8950
1.30PM = 8951 9450
26-07-2017 8.30 AM = 11451 11950
1.30PM = 11951 12450
27-07-2017 8.30 AM = 14351 14850
1.30PM = 14851 15300
IV. A.V.College, Domalguda, Gaganmahal,Hyderabad:
Date Time Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site From To
22-07-2017 8.30 AM = 1101 1750
1.30 PM = 1751 2500
23-07-2017 8.30 AM = 3801 4450
1.30PM = 4451 5075
24-07-2017 8.30AM = 6251 6800
1.30PM = 6801 7375
25-07-2017 8.30AM = 9451 9950
1.30PM = 9951 10450
26-07-2017 8.30AM = 12451 12950
1.30PM =12951 13425
27-07-2017 8.30AM = 15301 15800
1.30PM = 15801 16300
for Help-line Centresin Telangana:-
1) All Candidates, who fulfilled eligbility conditions under OC / SC / ST / BC category belonging to Telangana State and whose category (Community Certificates) issued by the
MROs / Tahsildar / RDOs from Telangana State only and candidates claiming 15% un-reserved seats from Telangana State only, i.e. the candidates who have resided 10 years in
the state of Telangana are also to attend for verification.
2) Local candidates whose category / community certificates issued by Govt. of A.P. are to attend Dr. NTRUHS Vijayawada centre only and to submit declaration in Rs. 100/-
Stamped paper and to submit certified copies of Aadhar / Ration Card of candidate and Father.
Dr.NTRUniversity of Health Sciences,Vijayawada,
Andhra Pradesh(Non-Local Candidates):
DateTime Sl.No. in Provisional merit list in KNR UHS web-site From To
22-07-2017. 8.30 AM = From;- 1 to 1200
1.30PM = From;- 1201 to 2050
23-07-2017. 8.30 AM = 2051 2900
1.30PM = 2901 3900
24-07-2017. 8.30 AM = 3901 4800
1.30PM = 4801 6100
25-07-2017. 8.30 AM = 6101 7300
1.30PM = 7301 9000
26-07-20. 8.30 AM = 9001 10600
1.30PM = 10601 12700
27-07-2017 8.30 AM = 12701 15000
1.30PM = 15001 17142/LastRank
Note for Help-line Centreat DrNTRUHS Vijayawada:
All eligible candidates (excluding special category candidates) OC / SC / ST / BC category claiming 15% un-reserved seats from Andhra Pradesh State (candidates from Andhra
University area and SVU Area), the candidates who have resided for 10 years in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Local category candidates of Telangana State (SC/ST/BC)
whose category, community certificates are issued by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh are to attend for verification and to submit declaration in Rs. 100/- Stamped paper and to
submit certified copies of Aadhar / Ration Card of candidate and Father.
Eligibility for admission into MBBS/BDS courses:
1 The candidate should be an Indian National or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) Card Holder and should satisfy the Local or Non-local status in Telangana State (Residence requirement) as laid down in Andhra Pradesh Education Institutions (Regulations of Admissions) Order, 1974. Selection will be done as per the procedure laid down in the G.O.P.No.646, dated 10.07.1979 as amended in G.O.Ms.No.42, Higher Education (EC2) Department, dated 18.05.2009.
2. The candidate should have passed Intermediate (10+2 pattern) or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology) / Biotechnology and English.
OC candidates should obtain not less than 50% marks in science subjects.
BC/SC/ST candidates should obtain not less than 40% marks in science subjects.
OC PH candidates should obtain not less than 45% marks in science subjects.
3 The candidate should have qualified in NEET UG 2017 and should have registered on-line and whose name is displayed in the Provisional merit list on the KNR UHS web-site.
4 The Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31-12-2017. The candidates who do not complete 17 years as on 31-12-2017 need not attend the counseling. The
candidates born on or after 02-01-2001 are not eligible for admission into MBBS/BDS courses.
5 The candidates who wish to claim seats under Anglo Indian, Sports&Games, CAP(Army), NCC, Physically challenged (PH)and Police Martyrs Child ren(PMC) also need to fulfill the above eligibility criteria
in addition to eligibility criteria of respective categories as perexisting Government regulations. Certificates to be produced at the time of counseling:
The candidates are directed to bring all the original certificates (mentioned below) along with two sets of self attested Xerox copies and print out of on-line application form duly signed with photograph affixed at the space provided. Custodian certificates are not allowed. Candidate has to present in person.
1 Admit card of NEET UG 2017.
2 Rank card of NEET UG 2017.
3 S.S.C or equivalent examination showing the Date of Birth
4 Memorandum of marks of qualifying examination in Intermediate or Equivalent Examination
5 Transfer certificate
6 Study certificates from 6th Class to Intermediate
7 Candidates who have studied in the institutions outside of Telangana/ Andhra Pradesh have to submit 10 years (years of period to be specified) residence
certificate of the candidate or either of the parent issued by MRO / Tahsildar
8 Candidates claiming eligibility of reservation under Special categories should furnish the required certificate in support of their claim.
9 Permanent Caste Certificate (Integrated Community Certificate) claiming reservation under BC/SC/ST Categories issued by an Officer prescribed.
10. Minority status certificate if applicable.
11. The candidates claiming fee exemption shall produce the latest Income certificate of the Parent issued by MRO / Tahsildar
12. Self Attested copy of Aadhaar Card of candidate and Father.
13. Undertaking in the form of Affidavit on Rs. 100 /- Stamp paper by the Parent and candidates stating that the caste and area mentioned in the certificates are
genuine and they will be held responsible for any further consequences as per LAW if any discrepancy noticed (Proforma enclosed)
Instructions to the Candidates:
1.Candidates are hereby in formed that,this is the first and final phase of verification ofcertificates. No furtherphase ofverification of certificates will bedone.
Candidates whogot verified their originalcertificates are onlypermitted to exercise their web options in the subsequent phasesif any subject to their eligibility.
2.Candidateshaveto presentinpersonalongwithall OriginalCertificatesfor verification Custodian certificates will not be allowed.
3.Candidates whose category certificate (SC/ST/BC) issued by Telangana state should attend for certificate verification at Help-linecentersin Telangana.
4.Candidates whose categorycertificate (SC/ST/BC) issued by AndhraPradesh state should attend for certificate verification at Help -line centers at Vijayawada.
5.Special category candidatesshould attend certificateverification at JNTUH .Kukatpally,Hyderabad.
6.Mereattending for verificationof certificatesdoes not conferany right for admission asmorenumberof candidateshave applied for limited number of seats available.
7.Notificationfor exercising web-option s along with schedule of dates will bedisplayed on KNR University web-site.
8.Ordersissued by Government of Telangana from time to time with regard to admission sinto MBBS/BDS Courses will be applicable.
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