VRK Medical College Admissions 2018-19
About the VRK Medical College:-
This exclusive Women’s Medical College is established in the year 2010-11 with an annual intake of 100 students for MBBS Degree Course. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued the Essentiality Certificate and the Dr N T R University of Health Sciences has given the consent of Affiliation for the starting of this Medical College to Dr V R K Education Society.
With Essentiality Certificate and the Consent of Affiliation, the Society has applied to the Board of Governors in Super-session of “MCI - Medical Council of India” with the detailed Project Report. The MCI after conducting few inspections and satisfying itself with availability of Staff, Equipment and Infrastructure, have recommended to the Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare (MH & FW), Government of India, New Delhi, for the issuance of Letter of Permission (LOP). The MH&FW has granted the permission vide letter no: MCI-34(41)/2012-MED/113540 dated 23/05/2012 with an annual intake of 100 Girls Students for MBBS Course.
VRK's,The Society has approached the State Government and the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), Government of India for the Minority Status Certificate. The NCMEI has given the Minority Status Certificate vided no: 1238/2010 dated 5/10/2010 and hence this Institution is declared as Minority Institution since inception.
VRK Women’s Medical College is exclusively for Women Students only, whereas the Staff and Patients are both men and women. By virtue of a Minority Institution, the rules applicable to it are followed with respect to the admission of students as governed by the A.P. State Government from time to time.
VRK Medical College is attached to a 500 Bed Teaching Hospital with all the necessary equipment and infrastructure as prescribed by the MCI. In addition to this, there is a separate Casualty ward of 20 Beds and other Specialized Wards with 5 Beds each namely; ICU, ICCU, RICU, PICU/NICU and Burns Ward. An Urban Health Centre is located at Langar House and a Rural Health Centre is located at Chilkur Village, Moinabad Mandal.
Medical College's Buildings, Teaching Hospital, Students Hostels, Staff Quarters & other appurtenant Buildings are housed in a Unitary Campus of 26 Acres. The major land marks near the Medical College are A.P. Police Academy (APPA) and National Deer Park. The Medical College is located right opposite to the Mruguvani National Deer Park. The College is 16 Kms from the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and 22 Kms from the Hyderabd Railway Station. It is well connected to the Nehru Outer Ring Road (ORR) and the Road connecting to Moinabad-Chevella-Vikarabad from Mehdipatnam.
The Dr VRK Women’s Medical College is named after its Founder and Chief Promoter Dr Vizarath Rasool Khan who is an eminent Educationist and a reformist whose aim is to popularize education among the minorities and merge them in the national main stream.
VRK Medical Cllege Address:-
VRK MBBS College Address VRK College Phone Number:-
- Dr. V.R.K. Women's Medical College
- Teaching Hospital & Research Centre
- Affiliated to K.N.R. University of Health Sciences
- Aziznagar, R.R. District 500075 Telangana, India.
- Tel: 08413 235070, 235401, 9849037973,
- Fax: 040-23732786, 08413-235071
- Email:info@drvrkwmc.com
MBBS Aadmissions in VRK Medical College:-
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